Wednesday 27th January

We looked at the module handbook in more detail today, and were introduced to the onomatopoeia task. I find this one exciting as  there are so many possibilities, and already I know I have a book somewhere at home full of this comic book style text and illustration.  The book is called DC comics Art of Alex Ross. His work is amazing, and will be a great help in this task. 


Tuesday 26th January

Today is the start of the new module, SP2. Im looking foward to doing alot more work than previously, I've decided to keep my Journal on here as it is alot easier to keep track of, and I'm hoping it will encourage me to update it more regularly.

After reading through the module handbook, it seems as though this module/project will be alot more exciting than the first, logo design is something I enjoy, and am eager to learn new software (in this case Indesign).

Having already put together a Flyer from a rough draft handed out, I now have a feel for how Indesign is different from Illustrator and Photoshop, and in someways how it is similar aswell.
Below is the final I put together.

I've also just received my assessment feedback form for the first module. I am happy with my overall mark, and have taken alot from the "areas which could be improved". For a start it has been advised I start a Journal in blog form (as I am doing now), and it looks as though for this module I need to do alot more personal research, and link it to my work. Also need to take a broader approach to workshops